Academic Support
Academic Support
From your first day on campus until graduation, we want to make sure you have the support you need to not only succeed at W&L but also grow as a student and person.
Whether you’re seeking an opportunity to experience college life before you ever set foot in a classroom, looking for academic guidance about your studies, or hoping to plot your post-graduation path, W&L has outlets for you to receive the empowerment you need to thrive.
At Washington and Lee, the academic advising system is fundamental to undergraduate education, providing resources for students to not only to meet graduation requirements, but also to become educated human beings with well-developed intellect and character.
Academic advisors encourage students to take responsibility for their own educations and academic actions, engage in conversation beyond the classroom and help students to explore and serve a larger world through study abroad, community service, postgraduate education, and the commencement of productive careers.
The Peer Tutoring Program provides assistance for students with the academic content of their courses. Highly trained and dedicated peer tutors are available to support students in most lower-level courses at the University, free of charge. Students can schedule a peer tutoring session using Penji.
Whether students are experiencing challenges with their studies or just want to perform better in college, academic coaching can help. Through one-on-one coaching, students will develop their studying and learning, as well as confidence in using a range of strategies and techniques to reach their full potential. Students can meet with either a professional or peer academic coach using Penji.
It is the policy of the Washington and Lee University and its School of Law to provide equal access to educational opportunities to qualified students with physical or mental disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The liberal arts education provided at Washington and Lee is a strong foundation for any professional aspiration. In addition, our academic catalog offers specific coursework recommendations and advice on preparing for a career in architecture, engineering, health professions, law, ministry and teaching.
Students who seek assistance with mathematics, writing, world languages, research and technology will find support in the Math Center, the Writing Center, the Global Discovery Laboratories, the Williams School Communications Center and the Information Desk. All of these centers have both student and faculty advising to help address and solve a student’s individual needs.
Our libraries have wealth beyond their books and movie collections. Staff are trained to help students create presentations, prepare academic posters, properly cite sources, and find resource materials.
The technology environment at Washington and Lee offers a rich array of technology resources including discipline-specific software for instruction and research, course management software, personal and shared network storage, and dedicated support for student technology needs.
If your computer or phone malfunctions, the ITS Help Desk is there to address it. They can assist with software upgrades, loss or work, and even physical replacements (hard-drive, screen, battery). If you’re having trouble with technology, ITS can help.